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AWS IMDS Persistence/Priv Escalation

19 October 2020 - Somewhere

A little known feature of EC2 is it’s possible to override the IMDS endpoint used by instances in EC2 by specifically using a 32 bit netmask on the route.

Additionally the magical IP of has some interesting properties:

Update: In addition to the documentation linked I’m fairly convinced I tested these. However this was six months ago and it’s possible I was mistaken and the documentation link is referring to normal uses of IMDS traffic.

More importantly though from what I’ve heard these are at least resolved now, I haven’t had time to test this though.

If you think of AWS as very large, always on computer you can kinda throw together something along the line’s of cloud based malware. Below is a link to a diagram of what this may look like.

IMDS Persistence/Priv Escalation Diagram

The PoC I put together for this ended up being seamless in my limited testing, added about a minute to the boot time to root it, and then executed the normal user-data as expected on re-init. Since the modified route table applies to all instances in a given subnet this may be more noisy in practice though.

Think the take away here is to restrict access to routing table related API’s and to monitor or possibly alert on any changes.


I threw together an Config rule to check for this here.