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Implicit SAR – IAM Evaluation

31 Mar 2024


This post covers the basics of how IAM behaved in the context of sts:AssumeRole; specifically the difference between Identity and Trust policies in same-account and cross-account AssumeRole scenarios. Readers should have some prior working knowledge of IAM but do not need to know how it works in the case of sts:AssumeRole. Covering these topics should make it easier to understand later blog posts and why the (now changed) Implicit SAR was unintuitive.

AssumeRole Evaluation Behavior

To understand implicit SAR, we need to understand that IAM evaluation is an interaction between several different policies, and how they interact changes depending on context and whether the resource in question is one of the “special” resource types which we’ll discuss below.

An Identity-based Policy is attached to a principal (IAM Role or User) and specifies what API calls that principal can make. Within the same AWS account, these permissions are typically sufficient to perform a specific action. However, this general rule doesn’t apply for particular security sensitive resources such as KMS keys or IAM roles, which AWS documents here. For those resource types, even in the same AWS account, the identity-based policy permissions are not sufficient, the resource-based policy must grant access. For example, you may have noticed before that sts:AssumeRole does not always work as an administrator in the account.

Administrator Identity Policy The image above shows the AdministratorAccess Identity Policy attached to a Role.

Resource-based policies such as IAM Role Trust Policies are attached to resources rather than principals. In the case of IAM Roles, due to the exception noted above, the resource-based policy needs to grant the necessary permission in order for the API call to be successfully authorized, even in the same account.

Root Trust Policy The image above shows a Resource Trust Policy attached to a Role.

IAM Roles are also unique in one other way - they are the only entity within AWS that is both a principal and a resource! Because of this, they can have both kinds of policies attached to them. Identity policies on Roles affect outgoing permissions, i.e., what the Role can access as a principal. In contrast, Role Trust Policies affect incoming permissions, i.e., who can access (i.e., assume) the principal. This makes understanding IAM roles a bit more confusing than most other AWS resources, which I will cover below.

Delegated Authority

I will dig into exactly what this means, but for the moment, we can summarize delegated authority with the following statement:

When the Role Trust Policy specifies an AWS account, the IAM role is delegating its unique requirement for identity-based access to the specified account.

Delegated Authority – Cross Account Access

To provide an example, let’s assume we have an IAM Role which we’ll call deploy. This role has the following Trust Policy:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::1111:root"
            "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",

This allows sts:AssumeRole for the root principal of account 1111. Meaning, the role’s requirement for Identity-based access is delegated to the administrators of 1111.

To determine who has access to this Role, we need to look at the Identity Policy for every IAM Principal (User or Role) in the 1111 account. If the Identity Policy evaluates to Allow for sts:AssumeRole, then the action is allowed; if it doesn’t, it is denied.

Delegated Authority – Explicit Cross-Account Trust

Say we change the Principal in the last example to explicitly reference bob who exists in an another account.

"Principal": {
    "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::2222:user/bob"

The same behavior described for the account itself (the root principal) will now apply to the user bob so long as bob has the identity-based generic permission to call the sts:AssumeRole API (and no other condition-based restrictions that would interfere). However, the user alice in the same account 2222 would not have permission to assume the role, since she is not included in the Role Trust Policy.

Note that while the second example – specifying a particular principal ‘bob’ in the “foreign” account – looks like a safer, more “least-privileged” way to manage cross-account permissions, there is no practical security difference between the two approaches when thinking holistically about cross-account trusts from an account level perspective.

Why? Because the root principal of the other account can grant ‘bob’ privileges to anyone they like! So while there’s no harm in narrowing cross-account permission to a particular user or role, if you are thinking about domains of authority on an account level, it’s equivalent to granting permissions to the root principal of that account, who has full control over who can access what inside that account.

Trust Policy Sufficient Evaluation

Like other AWS resources, Role Trust Policies are sufficient to grant access within the same account.

This means, if we update the policy to point to sam, who exists in the same account as our deploy role, then there would be no need to grant access in sam’s Identity-based policy because it’s already granted by the trust policy.

"Principal": {
    "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::1111:user/sam"

In this case, IAM evaluation follows the normal rules for an identity and a resource in the same account, where the resource-based permissions are sufficient to grant arn:aws:iam::1111:user/sam permission to assume the role, even if the sam User does not have any sts:AssumeRole identity-based permissions.

As always, any deny statements will always still override this behavior.


Compared to other AWS resources that support resource-based policies, IAM role trust policies are unique (along with KMS keys) in that they are always required to grant access, but similar in that they are sufficient to grant access within the same account even in the absence of corresponding identity-based permissions.

So far, we covered the two documented types of IAM sts:AssumeRole behavior; in the next post, I’ll cover a specific subset of this behavior that was changed in AWS’s IAM role trust policy update and only occurred when a role attempted to assume itself.